A Miami thong lift is a cosmetic surgery procedure designed to lift and enhance the appearance of the buttocks, creating a more youthful and contoured shape. This procedure is particularly popular for those who want to achieve a lifted and toned appearance in the gluteal area, often resembling the look of a thong-style bikini where the buttocks appear firm and sculpted.
As we age or lose weight, the buttocks can start to sag and lose their shape. The goal of a Miami thong lift is to reshape and refine the contours of the buttocks. It’s not about enlarging. It’s about enhancing the aesthetic of the backside by addressing sagging skin and a loss of shape.
Full Buttock Lift
A full buttock lift, the incision goes across the top of the buttock, and so the scar is very obvious and difficult to hide. A Miami Thong Lift “is a surgery that’s designed to place the incisions completely in the gluteal cleft, which is the region between the buttocks, so all the incisions are completely hidden.” Now the scar can be placed within the cleft or can be extended superiorly as if to follow the lines of a thong bikini. It removes skin and provides some lift to the buttocks.
Brazilian Butt Lift
A Brazilian butt lift is actually not a butt ‘lift’ at all, but rather fat transfer to the buttocks. This method is to enhance the contour and provide greater volume if one has lost volume to the buttocks or wants to enhance them further than baseline. The Miami thong lift is often used in conjunction with fat transfer to the buttocks to get more of a lift with less fat fill.
Miami Thong Lift Procedure
The two procedures are additive. So the Miami Thong Lift typically involves:
Liposuction: Removing excess fat from the lower back or flanks to create a more defined waist and contour.
Tightening of the skin: The procedure often involves tightening the skin around the buttocks to create a lifted, toned look, enhancing the shape and silhouette.
Minimal Scarring: The technique is designed to create minimal scarring, often hidden in the natural folds of the body or in locations that are not easily visible.
The procedure gained popularity in Miami, which is known for its focus on aesthetic body enhancement, hence the name “Miami thong lift.” It is important to note that like any cosmetic surgery, it carries risks, and candidates should consult with Dr. Kim to understand the benefits and risks specific to their body type and goals. One has to consider the postoperative recovery and restrictions given the incisions are in very sensitive areas and sitting too early may result in complications.